Saturday, April 24, 2021

All through my online social life, I have never felt more insignificant than now. Every single thing I post gets unnoticed, especially those I posted myself (unshared ones). I can hear it loud and clear: Nobody gives a shit.

What the fuck even is this? Have I let myself become so absorbed in social media that I end up feeling unimportant without the validation of dozens of likes and/or reacts?

I don't want to become this person. I hate to admit it, but it gets to me. Social media is vicious. It twists your mind and makes you think things you normally wouldn't. It ruins your perception of things, it makes meaningless things important and sets aside those that really matter.

God, I wish I didn't care.

I wish I wasn't alone with my thoughts.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. I wish I didn't care. I truly, truly, from-the-bottom-of-my-heart truly wish I didn't care. It shouldn't even matter. Validation does not come from that, but, man, it blows--hurts, even. Just a couple more days.

Things I wanted to say if you were still listening. Why? What did I do? Is it my skin? My personality? My attitude? Is it because I don'...